I'm Mike, the founder of Modern Shop. Here you can find a lot of creative stuff for your office workspace. Enjoy the products that we offer.


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We are currently experiencing a high volume of order and shipping may be delayed. All order will be processed in the order they are received. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer support team.

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What We Do


What we do?

We help businesses grow with strategic websites and digital marketing.
Our team of digital marketers will look at the big picture and build a digital strategy around
what will grow your revenue as quickly as possible.

Our Services

Website Design & Development

Anyone can build a pretty website, but very few agencies can design and develop a website that will connect with your target audience, alleviate their fears, systematically answer each of their objections, and ultimately make them not only comfortable buying from you, but thrilled to buy from you!

Google Ads

There are billions of Google searches every day. With Google Ads, you can advertise your business and services directly to your audience by selecting keywords for your ads that customers use in their search queries. You pay to have your ads shown before the organic search results. Google Ads are easy to set up and manage, never exceeding your budget limitations. With our tailor made campaigns, you will be on top of the searches with the least amount of expense.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing web pages and their content to be easily discoverable by users searching for terms relevant to your website. Getting exposure in popular search engines is the number one digital strategy for creating a sustainable growing business. In our hands, your business will experience bottom line growth thanks to our signature data-driven organic search marketing methodology. Like fine wine, our SEO gets better with time.

Social Media Ads

Many businesses are working on growing their organic traffic for the long-term. But what if you’re looking for results in the short-term? That’s where social media advertising comes in. They are one of the quickest and most effective ways to connect with your target audience. With the right strategy, we can drive quality traffic to your website and immediately start generating leads and sales.

Highly Converting Landing Pages

Unlike a traditional website, which encourages a user to explore many different areas of your business, a landing page is focused on a single call to action, such as an enquiry or sale of a specific product. This simplification serves a few purposes, including removing other distractions that may be present on a full-featured site and ‘guiding’ your prospects towards them completing your goal. With our highly converting landing pages, you’ll see results in no time.

Online Reputation Management

Today’s digital consumers have access to more options and transparency than ever before, and their buying decisions are largely built on information found online. Because of this, brand perception is magnified and your digital presence could mean the difference between a surge in sales or the start of an uphill battle for your organization. If you’re ignoring the way your brand is perceived, you’re closing the door on a multitude of opportunities and opening an avenue for lasting problems further down the line.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Most websites convert less than 5 out of every 100 visitors into a lead. What about the other 95 potential customers? They leave and may never come back. This makes it very expensive for business owners to grow their business in a sustainable way. Optimization helps you gain more customers for less advertising spend. This creates a cycle of growth that you just can’t get from other marketing methods.

Content Marketing

Used by leading brands right around the world, content marketing is an effective way to break through all of the marketing ‘noise’ and offer something of unique value to your customers. Well-crafted content both informs and entertains, and can expose your brand to large amounts of potential customers if you do it right.

Let's chat about your goals today!

We love to talk with business owners about achieving incredible returns on the web. To find out if we’re a good fit for each other, the best next step is to have a short discovery call with one of our digital experts.